Stuff the Crib
The people of Corpus Christi Catholic Church come together to support life.
At least twice a year, the Corpus Christi family come together to provide support for pregnant women in need. The program is called Stuff the Crib, quite simply, that is the goal. The Council starts by purchasing a crib and a mattress. We place a large play pen in the church narthex and invite parishoners to donate new and slightly used baby items. The donations usually run over two weeks and when the volunteers from the JMJ Pregnancy Center come to pick up the donations, they are usually overwhelmed! The Corpus Christi family routinely provides TRUCK LOADS of items to help pregnant women ease the transition into motherhood.
The times and dates of our Stuff the Crib drives are mentioned in meetings, listed in announcements the Council sends, mentioned from the ambo and, if possible, are in the parish bulletin.
Council 14132 and the people of Corpus Christi coming together to fill a very real need.